pivoting doesn't = failure

About a month ago, I was dead set on creating a private podcast to test the podcast waters.

As I was starting to put the pieces together, I felt like I was in way over my head. I emailed those who'd purchased The Cozy Compliance podcast and refunded them.

There's been an offer that I've been wanting to create for a LONG time (about 2-3 years), but didn't know how to present it. Because podcasts and videos have been shoved in our faces, I was trying to fit my very introverted self in an extroverted hole.

And I've heard of people doing paid newsletters, but because it feels like it's all about audio-visual forms of content nowadays, I thought writing a paid newsletter would be a total fail. However, there's a saying that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. And I enjoy writing, so why not see if you would enjoy a curated newsletter in your inbox.

A little more than a year ago, I started writing The Legal Love Note. I loved it, but it was taking me HOURS to research and create the content. And because I've been trying to think of ways to create a recurring revenue without burning myself out, I want to make The Legal Love Note a paid newsletter.

It would mostly be written, but there may be times where I incorporate audio and video to it, especially if the legal content is more complex. I would send it out 2x a month, and it would include:

  • A legal concept WITH an actionable legal tip to implement
  • Product, software, and business recommendations to ease your personal & biz life
  • Legal + business news updates
  • Insights into what I'm doing to run my business (I love seeing what other people are doing to jog ideas for myself)
  • Member only discounts
  • Access to The Loft community

Would you be interested in this newsletter? All you have to do is click here.

And because I sourced questions for the podcast, I've decided to answer them in the paid newsletter. Here are some of the topics:

  • Legal must haves v. Legal nice to haves
  • Service provider contracts (what to include and how to deliver): Using legal paperwork without driving off clients
  • Collaborations: Critical things that need to be included in a general partnerships and collaborations agreement
  • Affiliate marketing: Running the program vs. Being an affiliate
  • Running multiple brands under one business

If you're interested, I'll be sending out a survey asking you some questions.

One last thing, starting March 13, I'll be hosting The Legal Fireside Challenge. This is a 5 day bootcamp where I'll help you jumpstart getting your business legal. Each day, you'll have a 10 minute task to undertake (maybe less than that). At the end of the bootcamp, I'll enter anyone who's finished all the tasks into a giveaway. There will be 3 prizes available. This will be hosted inside of my community, and you'll get a link where you can sign up for access once you sign up for the bootcamp.

Here's some resources that I recommend for you ⤵

💎 Want to know the easiest way to protect the content inside of your digital product? Find out how with this templates starting at $1 ($45 value)

✏️ Get the toolkit every entrepreneur needs breaking down all things legal from how to choose your business structure to how you can legally copy images for your marketing. No legal jargon required.
💡 Add an attorney on your team to legally protect your business at the cost of the average attorney's hourly rate. Ask your legal questions, choose 1 service every month, get an annual audit, templates & more.

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Michelle at The CEO Legal Loft

Hi, I'm Michelle, the owner of The CEO Legal Loft. The CEO Legal Loft simplifies legal compliance for online businesses with easy-to-use contract templates and legal resources.

Read more from Michelle at The CEO Legal Loft

As you know, tomorrow marks the first anniversary of The CEO Legal Loft's move to Shopify, and I couldn’t be more excited. It's been an incredible journey, and I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support. When I created The CEO Legal Loft, my mission was clear: to help online business owners like you be legally protected without breaking the bank. I saw so many entrepreneurs facing legal challenges and high costs, and I knew there had to be a better way. That's...

Over the past 2 years I've STRUGGLED with the decision of whether or not to stay on social media or just let it go. The struggle was so real because so much of my sales were coming directly from social media, and I was terrified to let it go. A couple of weeks ago as I was praying, the word REST kept running through my mind. It was like playing your favorite song on repeat. And for the first time in a long time, I decided to listen. So I stopped posting just to get something out there, and...

If you're not following me on IG, you probably don't know about my bingo card journey. At the beginning of 2023, I created a bingo card to tackle some goals this year. This week I've crossed off another goal! And that goal was to... create AND FINISH my first evergreen funnel! WOO-HOO! 🥳 If you're like me and have a hard time sticking to goals, I recommend the bingo card. I made mine inside of Canva. CLL Updates Some of the links below are affiliate links. That means I'll be paid a commission...